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Announcing the SBB Pro Club!

Everything you need to know about how to reach the top of competitive play this year

Welcome Storybook Brawl players to the official announcement of the SBB Pro Club!

The SBB Pro Club is a new program designed to reward players who show consistent performance throughout the year in competitive tournament play. Are you someone who enjoys playing tournaments? Would you like a little boost in making Day Two? Would you like to be recognized inside and outside the game for your accomplishments? If any of those sound exciting, then the SBB Pro Club is for you!

2022 Organized Play Season


The 2022 SBB Pro Season began with the December SBBMonthly (held at the start of January 2022) and culminates with the World Championship in the Bahamas in December 2022. This year is broken into three seasons: Spring, Summer, & Fall, each with their own Seasonal Championship. Qualification for each championship comes from a total of 10 Monthlies - 3 for Spring, 3 for Summer, and 4 for Fall. We heard your feedback loud and clear that you wanted a monthly every month, so going forward Championship months like July will also have an SBBMonthly that month as well.

Each SBBMonthly and Seasonal Championship (13 events total) can earn you Pro Points towards the SBB Pro Club. The benefits of the Pro Club, which you will learn more about below, are valid for the remainder of 2022 and for the entire 2023 season.

Benefits of the Pro Club

Bronze Status


Once eligible for the SBB Pro Club, a few things will happen:

Our hope is that if you are a player who enjoys playing in the SBBMonthlies and plays them often, you will begin earning these benefits this year.

Players with at least 10 Pro Points this year are eligible for the Pro Club.

Silver Status


Now, if you are one of our more competitive players, you might have read this and thought, “hmm, is there something a little more for someone like me?” The answer to that is yes! By performing at an even higher level throughout the year and achieving a few high placements, you can be eligible for Silver status.

Once eligible for Silver status in the SBB Pro Club, you will be given more benefits:

Our hope here is that those players who compete at a more competitive level be recognized for their achievements and have an opportunity to make Day Two more consistently in SBBMonthlies.

Players with at least 20 Pro Points this year are eligible for Silver status.

Gold Status


What if you are someone who wants to be the best-of-the-best? The Wonder of all Waddles? If that sounds like you, then the Gold status is what you are striving for. Only the few players who achieve consistent top performance throughout the year will have the honor of Gold Status - Take a look - These are the top of your class!

Once eligible for Gold status in the SBB Pro Club, you will be given the top benefits:

Our hope with this level is to truly recognize the best players in the game and reward them for their hard work and dedication.

Players with at least 30 Pro Points this year are eligible for Gold status.

* Note: The Pro Club in-game hero frames are not quite ready, we appreciate your patience while we get those implemented as soon as possible.

How to earn Pro Points


Events that award Pro Points

In order to achieve Pro Club status, you must earn Pro Points throughout the 13 tournaments this year. The events that award Pro Points are:

December SBBMonthly
January SBBMonthly
February SBBMonthly
Spring Championship

April SBBMonthly
May SBBMonthly
June SBBMonthly
Summer Championship

July SBBMonthly
August SBBMonthly
September SBBMonthly
October SBBMonthly
Fall Championship

Note: The November and December SBBMonthliesin 2022 will be part of the 2023 year.

Pro Points from SBBMonthlies

Every month you have the opportunity to earn Pro Points by competing in the SBBMonthly. All you need to do is show up and play Day One in order to earn the first Pro Point, but the better you do each month, the more Pro Points you earn!

Final Rank * Pro Points
Day One 1
Day Two 2
Top 64 4
Top 16 5
Champion 6

* This includes players tied at this rank: e.g. if you finish 66th place but have the same score as the player in 64th, you are considered Top 64

Pro Points from Seasonal Championships

While the primary focus of Pro Points is on the SBBMonthlies, we also wanted to reward players for high performances in the hardest events: the Seasonal Championships.

Final Rank Pro Points
Top 8 1
Top 4 2
Champion 3

In addition to the Pro Points listed above:

Other Important Information

Leaderboard community invites & Player of the Year

What is the timing? How long do my rewards last?

What if I just started playing, can I still earn status late in the year?

Yes! We recognize that the game is still in Early Access and that most of what will become the Storybook Brawl playerbase has not even started playing the game yet! If you joined the competitive scene late in the year, don’t worry, you still have a chance to earn status by performing well at a Seasonal Championship.

Where can I find my Pro Points / follow my progress?

In conclusion, we are excited to bring you this Pro Club and with it more opportunities for you as a player to earn recognition and benefits for playing Storybook Brawl. As with the game itself, this tournament system is also in Early Access, so we appreciate your patience and understanding as we may need to tweak things over the next year to make sure we are creating the best experience possible for players.

Thanks, and let's go win some lobbies!
