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Meet the Coverage Team for the Spring Championship

It's time to meet the coverage team for the Spring Championship!

Let's Meet the Broadcasters

Yesterday, we highlighted our first 16 players for the Spring Championship. Today, we are thrilled to take a look at the folks who will be joining us in the booth this weekend!

Cedric Phillips


Who do you have your eye on going into the event?

Javier Dominguez. A former Magic The Gathering World Champion with a flare for the dramatic, I'm excited to see what he can do in a game with just as many highs and lows.

What card do you buy way more than you should?

I love me some Doubly because I love me some dwarves.

What is your favorite SBB combo or sweet interaction?

Doubly and bonuses that positively impact Doubly. I'm a simple man at heart.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I've always been hesitant to try new card games or auto battlers because there's always so much to learn, especially when you're super competitive like I am, but Storybook Brawl has been a welcome change. The game is easy to digest, has awesome flavor, and is just a blast to play - be it one game or multiple. The opportunity to do coverage of the game is something I'll always be thankful for.

How does watching a game from the booth change your perspective on a lobby vs. playing a lobby yourself?

It gives me an opportunity to learn why people make the decisions they make and how their thought process differs from my own.

Mani Davoudi


Who do you have your eye on going into the event?

Jrim1ah, Mx, Matignon

What card do you buy way more than you should?

Wizard's Familiar

What is your favorite SBB combo or sweet interaction?

Hat + Ball! Alternatively, Ring of Meteors + Darkwood Creeper

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I spend way too many games going for Mages and dying while trying to find Hat/Ball.

How does watching a game from the booth change your perspective on a lobby vs. playing a lobby yourself?

During a game, personal preference and the temptation to goof off can be irresistible. Observing games from the booth allows me to put my personal biases aside and instead focus on WHY the players are making the decisions they make, rather than what I would do.

Eilidh Lonie


Who do you have your eye on going into the event?

jrm1ah, Redrame, aaronlgertler, SirSalty, klekthecluck, Spinzaku.

What card do you buy way more than you should?

Shadow Assassin. I'm a sucker for slay comps.

What is your favorite SBB combo or sweet interaction?

Getting higher level treasures early with Hoard Dragon and Treasure Map. Hat Ball also makes my spell-loving heart happy!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I can whistle 8 different ways! Useless talents for the win!

How does watching a game from the booth change your perspective on a lobby vs. playing a lobby yourself?

It's a lot easier to identify what's available and what isn't as an observer. When I'm playing, I'm so focused on finding what I want that I don't always see what I could be building towards.



Who do you have your eye on going into the event?

SirSalty and Matignon - SirSalty is one of our best players, and he's always on top of the meta. Guillaume Matignon I know from Magic (we were actually teammates for multiple Pro Tours), and as a 2-game World Champion, he's definitely in the mix.

What card do you buy way more than you should?

Prized Pig baby.

What is your favorite SBB combo or sweet interaction?

Mixawizzle plus True Love's Kiss (or Mixawizzle plus anything really).

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I hit 4k in SBB once and have blocked Matt Nass in basketball multiple times.

How does watching a game from the booth change your perspective on a lobby vs. playing a lobby yourself?

I love seeing what the players do that I wouldn't, and trying to figure out WHY (especially since they usually have a good plan in mind.