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Patch 67.5 Notes

Ending the Great Pumpkin King's reign.

We decided to do a small patch this week, mainly because of Pumpkins run amok - let's take a look at the changes!

Balance Changes


Great Pumpkin King

Old: 2/2 at Level 5 -> New: 10/10 at Level 6

The Pumpking change was an experiment that we knew we may have to pull back on, and that's exactly what we are doing. Pumpkin at five led to too many short games, long fights, and a meta that had a few too many Pumpkins in the finals. As such, the clock has struck midnight, and Great Pumpkin King is back at level 6. This change (and subsequent reversion) is something we anticipate happening given our design philosophy - we'd rather try exciting changes and adjust as needed than never push the envelope, all in search of the best version of Storybook Brawl possible. Plus, it being Halloween for a couple weeks wasn't a disaster by any stretch.


Princess Wight

Old: Dwarves in your shop have +1/+2 -> New: Dwarves in your shop have +1/+1

We like the way the new Princess Wight has been playing, but the stat gain is a little too much. This change keeps the card mechanically the same, but brings the bonus in line with the power level we are looking for. She's still keeping the bench nice and warm for Dwarves, just not quite as effectively.


Monkey's Paw

Old: Your characters have +6/+6 -> New: Your characters have +5/+5

While the Pumpkin change shined a spotlight on Monkey's Paw, the reality is that it was too pushed as is. We are reducing the bonus to +5/+5, which makes it less of a must-pick and opens the door for other treasures to shine.

Hero Changes



Old: When you cast a spell, give a random character +2/+1 permanently -> New: When you cast a spell, give a random character +1/+1 permanently

Like Sphinx before him, Merlin has been too dominant for our tastes. As much as we love casting spells (and trust me, it's a LOT), Merlin has too strong an early game without paying much of a cost for it later, as his hero power remains powerful in the right builds. Making the bonus smaller brings Merlin more in line with the rest of the heroes (and if you get HatBall going, you'll still be pretty happy).


Hoard Dragon

Health from 45 to 40

As it turns out, Hoard Dragon didn't really need the help (or the health). The ability to spike powerful treasures ahead of schedule is strong enough that Hoard Dragon has to give back the health it borrowed.


King Midas

Health from 45 to 40

And King Midas will gladly pick up what Hoard Dragon dropped. King Midas is lacking a little punch, so a cushion of five health will help him get his golden army built up.

Networking Issues

We've have been pushing some server hotfixes over the last week that should reduce errors related to being unable to connect to a server.

You can expect additional improvements in a few weeks with the next major client update.

Bug Fixes

Note: this article was originally published on Storybook Brawl's news feed on Steam.