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Patch 67.4 Notes

Balance changes and new art!

Welcome to Patch 67.4! It seems like just yesterday that we introduced you to some of these heroes, but change is in the air already. In this patch, we have some significant card and hero changes, so buckle up and come take a look!

Hero Changes


King Midas

Old: You just need two copies to Upgrade a character, but you can never find treasures -> New: You only need two copies to Upgrade a character, but they don't give you a treasure.

King Midas may turn everything he touches to gold, but that doesn't mean he can't enjoy a quest or two. This new version will now see quest characters in the shop, and can gain treasures by completing those quests.


The Sphinx

Old: Your shop sells an extra spell. Your spells are free the turn you level up. -> New: Your spells are free the turn you level up.

The Sphinx came out the gates a bit stronger than we wanted - the combination of multiple free spells plus a ton of selection was a riddle that wasn't difficult to solve at all. This change keeps the free spell aspect, which can pay off handsomely, but makes it a little trickier for The Sphinx to find all the spells they are looking for.

Card Changes


Good Boy

Old: Last Breath: Give your Good characters my Attack and Health this brawl. -> New: Give your other Good characters my Attack and Health this brawl.

This one simple change (adding the word "other") has big implications. Good Boy was perhaps a little too good, and by only having the Last Breath affect your other characters, it no longer pumps itself via Copy Cat, Trophy Hunter, or Phoenix Feather. This still leaves Good Boy as a powerful finisher for good teams, but makes some of these combinations less oppressive and opens the door for other lategame compositions to flourish.


Friendly Spirit

Old: Last Breath: Give my Attack and Health to one of your characters this brawl. -> New: Last Breath: Give my Attack and Health to one of your other characters this brawl.

Just like the Good Boy change, this now means that Friendly Spirit has to make new friends, and can no longer pump itself via Copy Cat or Trophy Hunter. It still has the potential to deliver a ton of stats, but it won't stack up on itself like one of those cliques that doesn't let anyone else join.



Old: Slay: -20/-20 this brawl. -> New: When another one of your characters triggers a Slay ability, -20/-20 this brawl. Slay: -20/-20 this brawl.

This is a big one. Jorm was one of the most disappointing Level 6 characters, and as the apex predator when it comes to Slay, we wanted to have it play a bigger part in those builds. This new version now rewards you for doing a lot of slaying, and can grow as epic as the card deserves.



New: Bossy is back from the dead!

Bossy has returned, and he got promoted. He's now a level 5 character, and has stats and a bonus to match. This gives Dwarves back one of their leaders, and works nicely in conjunction with the Princess Wight change that you can read about next.


Princess Wight

Old: Your Dwarves have -1/-1. -> New: Dwarves in your shop have -1/-2.

Princess Wight gets a big change here - she now buffs Dwarves in your shop, which means that they get a permanent buff if you buy them (much like Fairy Tail). With the return of Bossy, we wanted to try something new for Princess Wight, and this gives Dwarves another angle of attack.


Great Pumpkin King

Old: Level 6, 10/10 -> New: Level 5, 2/2

The Pumpking is now a level 5 character, which means it will be quite a bit easier to put together the evil pumpkin comps. How will you make use of a cheaper Pumpkin King that you see earlier in the game? Note that Great Pumpkin King, like every other character that summons characters, can't summon copies of itself.


Shoulder Faeries

Old: Stat change triggers at start of brawl -> New: Stats update in shop and lock in at the start of brawl.

This change mainly impacts Echowood, as it no longer sees Shoulder Faeries get huge stat bumps at the start of each fight. We liked Shoulder Faeries at five, and rather than bump it to six, we'd prefer to limit the massive stat gain interaction with Echowood (since the combination was proving to be a bit too strong). Note that these stats lock in once the brawl begins, so even if your Good/Evil characters die, the Faeries won't lose stats.


The 9th Book of Merlin

Old: Level 5 treasure -> New: Level 6 treasure

This move is a quality of life move more than just a power level move. When combined with Mimic and a board full of mages, the 9th Book experience isn't one you'd recommend to your local book club. Too many spells flying around is a situation we don't want to happen at the rate it was happening, so the 9th Book is going up a level.


Horn of Olympus and Evil Eye

Horn of Olympus - Old: Level 5 -> New: Level 4 Evil Eye - Old: Level 6 -> New: Level 5

Both of these treasures got bumped down a level, as they were both fun but underpowered at their current level. Pushing build-around treasures like these helps open the door for more inventive squads, so sound the horn and get your supports ready!


Fancy Pants

Old: Give the first character you buy each round -2/-2. -> New: Bonus moves to -3/-3.

These pants just weren't fancy enough - we heard your feedback, and made them even fancier. Additional diamond studs in the art didn't quite make it in, but it's on our list.


CUT: Tree of Life CUT: Hidden Cache CUT: Hand of Vekna

These treasures are all being cut in this patch. Tree of Life either did nothing or made a fight completely lopsided, while triggering a ton of animations. Hidden Cache and Hand of Vekna just weren't fun enough to justify their slots, and cutting all three of these opens the door for more fun treasures.

New Art

We have a couple fantastic art pieces to show off, with more to come!


There are also rumors of a new Mordred animation, if you dare find out...

Bug Fixes:

Note: this article was originally published on Storybook Brawl's news feed on Steam.